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Health Office

Health Office

Welcome to the Marion Elementary School Health Office

     Mrs. Weis FNP-C, School Nurse       



New revisions to the Health examinations and screenings will be starting for the new school year 2018-2019.  Students entering UPK or K, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades and any new students  are required to have a physical and dental screening.  Marion Central School District encourages parents to take their children to their own health care provider.  Physicals are provided free of charge by the schools nurse practioner but need to be arranged through the health office.  Marion Elementary started providing dental care through the Regional Primary Care Network, community denistry program in the 2017-18 school year and will be offering again next year.  Look for forms to be sent home with your student in the fall if you would like your child to particpate or please call with your questions.  Please check the dental referral form for a list of dentists or again call with concerns or questions.

Students that will be entering sixth grade in the fall must have their T-dap(tetanus,pertusis and Diptheria) vaccine.  (You may also want to discuss the meningitis vaccine that is mandatory for 7th garade with your child's health care provider) They may also need a polio and/or varicella vaccine to meet the new immunization regulations that took affect July 1, 2014.  A letter will be sent in the spring of the student's 5th grade school year to notify you if your child still needs immunizations before they enter in the fall.  Parents must send in an up to date immunization record from their child's health care provider with their latest immunizations.  If you have questions please call or e-mail the health office at anytime and leave your name and phone number and I will return your call.

 The Health appraisal form, dental certificate along with medication forms may be found below and copied for your child's use at school.  Please remember your child must have a written order from his/her health care provider for any over-the-counter or prescription medication that they need to take during school hours. Please do not send medications on the school bus with your child.  You may make special arrangements to deliver the medication : Please call with any questions at (315)926-2431 or (315)926-4256 or e-mail  FAX# (315) 926-5048.

 New regulations coming for screenings in the 2018-2019 : Vision screenings are done in grades Pre K, or K, 1, 3 and 5 and all new entrants to the school. Hearing screenings are required in Pre K or K, 1, 3 and 5 and all new entrants.  Scoliosis( a screening for the back) is required in 5th and 7th grades for girls and 9th grade for boys.  The screenings are done in the health office by the nurse or a copy of the student's health appraisal from their own health care provider may be sent into the health office for their records.  If any of the screenings have abnormal findings a referral letter will be mailed home.  If at anytime you have concerns about your child's hearing and vision, please notify me and we can make arrangements to do a screening at anytime.